Architect: POTTYONDY Péter
Our basic design concept was to create an open, receptive stadium. We tried to avoid those constructions, often seen in contemporary architecture, which are facing inward, fully covered from the outside. We wanted to design a straightforward stadium out of simple, archetypal elements. The stadium consists of the chalice-like grandstand, the butterfly roof above it and three service buildings. Their joint, open mass attracts the visitors to the grandstand.
The new football stadium of Miskolc, largest town in Northern Hungary, has been a state funded project. The site, well loved by the football fans, is located at the foot of the hills surrounding the town, on the border of a suburb and an abandoned industrial area. The new stadium is one of the first, directive steps towards the rust belt revitalization, proposed by the city administration. At the beginning of the design period, six different concept designs were presented to the client, the sports club, the municipality and the fan club. Based on these designs, the client decided to have the existing stadium, built in 1939, totally demolished. The further designs of the new stadium were based on the approved version of the concept design. The new stadium, much larger than its predecessor, is closer to the arterial street bordering the plot. There is a new, partly covered, public pedestrian area between the arterial street and the stadium, providing a view of the playing field owing to the chalice-shaped open construction of the building. This open space is divided by steps, team logo, benches and brasserie terraces. The other three sides of the stadium are surrounded by access roads and parking areas.
The chalice-shaped mass of the stadium opens up towards its surroundings and attracts the approaching spectators with glimpses of the green grass visible through slits. The double mass of the grandstand, supported by slender reinforced concrete pylons, and the pronouncedly overhanging butterfly roof give a graceful, floating impression despite their size, owing to the strips of shadow between them. The expanded aluminum plate facing, used everywhere, create simple, geometrical forms of the reinforced concrete and steel structural elements. There is a large square in front of the new stadium for 14,680 spectators, divided by stairs and ramps. Entry points are located at the four corners of the building. There are rows of toilets and cafeterias under the grandstand. The service building of 7360 m2 area, built around the stadium, is divided into three parts according to function. On the northern side, facing the town, is a brasserie, open every day, and a gift shop. The western side accomodates the changing rooms, event halls, offices and VIP rooms. There are building management rooms and areas for the guest fans on the southern side. The stadium can be used by disabled persons either alone or with the help of a trained helper. The building, with its rational solutions for accessibility, can fulfill the general and also the special needs of its visitors, nevertheless the different functional circulation routes remain separated and stadium security prevails.
The stadium, often referred to fondly as Star Destroyer by the locals, has got Silver Award at the IAKS (International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities) competition. The stadium has baby care rooms and even a store-room for the fans. The fan pub has view of the pitch and provides access for the visitors to the stadium on those days, when no match takes place. The public space in front of the building can be the venue of watching sporting events together, this is an especially attractive program, when the local team plays out of town. The layout of the grandstand helps to maximize the arena-effect, keeps the sound inside and amplifies it, even the roof has been given a special coating to increase this effect.
Location: Miskolc, Andrássy Gyula u. 61.
Date of completion: 2018
Architect: POTTYONDY Péter
Associate architects: POTTYONDY Bence, KISS Ádám, ÁTS-LESKÓ Zsuzsanna, TÓTH Balázs, JEBUDENSZKI Kristóf
HVAC engineers: SZAKÁL Szilárd, RÉTI János, ANTALÓCZI Zoltán
Electrical engineers: MÁRAMAROSI András, RITZL András
Structural engineers: HEGEDŰS Péter (Hegedűs és Mizere Kft.)
Landscape architects: POTTYONDY Flóra, LIZICZAI Sándor (Park Terv Stúdió Kft.)
Interior architects: BARNA Gyula, DÖBRÖNTEI Nóra (Interioor One Kft.)
Structural details: PATAKY Rita, ÁTS Árpád (Pataky és Horváth Építész Iroda Kft.)
Fire protection: Dr. TAKÁCS Lajos, RAUSCHER Judit (Takács-Tetra Kft.)
Access, utilities: KOCSIS Mónika, VARGA Anita, KOPPÁNY Péter (InfraPlan Zrt.)
Kitchen design: KAUSER Tibor (Liget Építész és Mérnök Iroda)
Sports court design: SIFFEL Gábor (E-Sports Kft.)
Area: 17,500 m2