Architect: TIMA Zoltán
The brick building of the former gas works and the connected new wings form a complex of 21st century standard and unique atmosphere, which contains apartments with partial view of the Danube and 5800 m2 loft-style office area.
The full scale urban and architectural rehabilitation of the Danube riverside between the Vizafogó housing estate and Dráva Street in Újlipótváros has been made possible by the relocation of the industrial functions. The most valuable, protected architectural element of this area is the brick building at the junction of Révész Street and Népfürdő Street, designed by Kornél Neuschloss and built in 1914 as one of the warehouses of the Budapest Gas Works. The building had gone through several changes of function before it was bought by the client in 2004 for establishing apartments and offices in it.
The plot is bordered by Révész Street on the south and Népfürdő Street on the west. The walkway along the northern side and the connected green area is the first section of a green corridor open towards the Danube, proposed by the local regulation plan. The relationship between the original form of the main building – the block on Révész Street with carefully designed, characteristic high gables – and the stepped cross wings parallel with Népfürdő Street, suggesting an unfinished state, was an interesting issue of design, so was their integration. The design, answering this dilemma arbitrarily and without knowing the actual intention of the original architect, has voted for a unified composition of the new and the existing buildings. The old building, constructed at the beginning of the last century, has become a component of a new system, its values have been preserved along with some smaller changes and additions required by the new function. The location of the new building is adjusted to the existing structure and it is connected to the two side wings. The raising of the height of the side wings emphasizes the existing stepped blocks, at the same time, adjusted to the greatest height, it carries on the hierarchy of the wings, parallel with and at right angles to the Danube. The new architectural elements have been adjusted to the existing facades. The enclosed character of the almost square internal courtyard, surrounded by the wings of the building, is compensated by the single-storey high opening under the new lateral wings and the two-storey high opening under the northern block. This gesture establishes a visual and pedestrian connection with Népfürdő Street and the surrounding large green areas. There is a terraced garden in the courtyard. The building has underground parking, an indoor swimming pool and a fitness centre as well.
Location: Budapest XIII., Révész utca 27-31.
Built: 2007
Architect: TIMA Zoltán
Associate architects: NAGY Borbála, GÖMÖRY Kristóf, MOLNÁR J. Tibor
Landscape architects: TIMA Zoltán, HAVASSY Gabriella
Area: 31,200 m2