Architect: TIMA Zoltán
The hotel-office building has been built in the Budapart development area, close to the Kopaszi Dam. The two different functions are accommodated in two separate blocks, rising from a common base, but each with a different look. Besides the structure of the building, the functional duality is also manifested visually: the different height, facade characteristics and colouring of the blocks enhance the difference.
The building is located in the XI. district of Budapest, in Dombóvári Street, in the 50 hectare Budapart development area, close to the Kopaszi Dam. The hotel and office complex consists of two L-shaped blocks facing each other, that rise from a single story base of double ceiling height. The hotel block on the western side is ground floor+7 story high, the characteristically taller office block is ground floor+8 story high.
Car parks are located on the two basement floors of the building and also on a part of the ground floor and mezzanine. The parking areas of the two functional units operate independently, with separate accesses. There are altogether 127 parking places in the hotel, and 177 in the office building. Besides the car parks, there are also storerooms, mechanical and electrical rooms on the parking floors.
The ground floor of the hotel building is opened towards the pedestrian street with its total, double ceiling height, but there is a mezzanine in the interior part. The traditional hotel functions, such as reception, lobby, restaurant and bar, are on the ground floor. Elegant, curved stairs lead to the mezzanine, where a 150 person capacity conference room is located, that can be flexibly divided. There are also two meeting rooms and the necessary service areas. The ground floor entrance of the office building with a smaller lobby is also of double ceiling height. The roof garden on top of the ground floor part of the building complex is divided into two parts as well: the courtyard of the hotel is not walkable, it is covered with a semi-intensive planting of shrubs. In the roof garden of the office block, which can be used for relaxation, there is garden furniture and an intensive planting of trees, shrubs and flowers.
The functional system of the hotel is very rational, clear and straightforward. Access to the guest rooms is provided by a staircase in each wing of the L-shaped building and there is an elevator block at the meeting of the two wings. Each of the general hotel floors has 33 rooms, there are a total of 198 rooms on the six floors, 24 of them superior rooms located at the corners. The interior design has been determined by the exact standards of the Radisson hotel chain, operator of the hotel. On the seventh floor, in the southern wing of the building, there is a skybar of almost 170 m2 area, with a large panoramic terrace facing south. The open-air rooftop HVAC units have been placed in the area of double ceiling height behind the skybar terrace and also above the roof slab of the skybar, set back from the facade and hidden behind screenwalls.
Vertical traffic in the office building takes place in the vertical traffic core located at the meeting of the two wings of the L-shaped building. Owing to this arrangement, four rentable areas have been established on each general office floor, so there are 28 rentable areas on the seven floors, with approximately 8000 m2 total net area. The rentable areas are flexible, they can be furnished according to the wish of the tenants. Similarly to the hotel, the open-air rooftop HVAC units have been set back from the facade and hidden behind screenwalls on the eighth floor.
An important aspect of the architectural concept was the simple, logical and clear layout of the building. The visual separation, following from the two different functions, can clearly be seen even on the ground floor part of the building: the curtain wall in front of the public areas stands in stark contrast with the almost totally solid facade of the parking areas. The facades of the superstructures have been designed along similar principles. The facade of the hotel, that contains many small, repeated rooms, has a more solid facade with less openings, while the office building, with its larger spaces, has a more open facade, owing to the frequent openings of two floor height. The solid walls of both buildings have been made of precast concrete sandwich panels, their external layer is reddish concrete for the hotel and light grey for the office building.
Location: Budapest XI., Dombóvári út 25.
Built: 2023
Architect: TIMA Zoltán
Project architect: TÖLGYESI Kaplony
Associate architects: KAZI Zsolt, SZIKORA Nóra, SKARDELLI Mátyás, SKARDELLI BOYSAL Ece, MÁRK Péter, BALOGH Anna, LIBERTINY Anna
Structural engineer: REISCH Richárd (FRT Raszter Építésziroda Kft.)
Fire protection: SZÖLLŐSI Levente (Fire-Med Bt.)
Supporting structures: POHL Ákos, Bisz István (CEOS Kft.)
Civil engineer: MANNINGER Marcell (Kokopelli Kft.)
HVAC engineer: CSÖPPENSZKY Gábor (Agorex Kft.)
Electrical engineers: MÁRAMAROSi András, RITZL András (KÖZTI Zrt.), KAPITOR György (Zone-Plan Kft.), BORSÁNYI Károly (Signum-Plan Mérnökiroda Kft.)
Landscape architect: MOHÁCSI Sándor (S73 Kft.)
Hotel interior architects: SÁROSDI-MÁDI Krisztina, LÁNCOS Áron, SZLOVÁK János (Mádi Láncos Stúdió Kft.)
Area: 27.160 m²